CHA has nine Digital Resource Centers (DRCs) located in various CHA family properties and community centers across Chicago. These centers can hold between 20 and 40 people. DRC's are staffed by CHA residents or Housing Choice Voucher Program participants. Each center has computers, updated software, projectors, and Wi-Fi.

What You Can Do There:
DRCs offer open computer time, technical help, and special programs for people of all ages. They are open to CHA residents and everyone in the community.

Booking the Space:
DRCs can be used by CHA programs, contractors, the Central Advisory Council/Local Advisory Councils, and community groups for training and events. To book a space, contact the DRC directly by email or phone and fill out a reservation form at least two weeks before your event.

Digital Resource Center Locations

Altgeld Gardens – CYC

951 E. 132nd Place, Chicago, IL 60827
M-F 9am - 5pm, Saturday by appointment
Contact: (773) 928-4116 or
34 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Metropolitan Family Services

Charles Hayes (The FIC)

4859 S. Wabash Ave.Chicago, IL 60605
M-F 8:30am - 5:30pm
Contact: (312) 913-7132 or
40 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Centers for New Horizon

Dearborn Homes

2910 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60616
M-F 9am - 5pm
Contact: (312) 225-0310 or
28 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: YWCA

Henry Horner/Westhaven

125 N. Hoyne Ave, Chicago, IL 60612
M-F 9am - 5pm
Contact: (312) 243-9073 or
20 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Near West Side Development Corp

Jane Addams Family Resource Center

1254 S. Loomis, Chicago, IL 60608
M-F 9am - 5pm
Contact: (312) 786-3142 or
20 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Centers for New Horizon

Lake Parc Place

3983 S. Lake Park, Chicago, IL 60653
M-F 9am - 5pm
Contact: (312) 786-6617 or
22 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Centers for New Horizon

Lawndale Gardens

2527 S. California, Chicago, IL 60623
M-F 9am - 5pm
Contact: (773) 847-4287 or
21 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Center for New Horizon

Lowden Homes

200 W. 95th St., Chicago, IL 60628
M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm
Contact: (312) 913-7512 or
22 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Employment and Employer Services

Wentworth Gardens

3757 S. Wentworth, Chicago, IL 60617
M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm
Contact: (312) 913-7007 or
22 computers, Reservation Form
Family Works Provider: Employment & Employer Services