The importance of reducing carbon emissions is profound in Chicago and elsewhere.
Understanding that – and its position as the largest rental property owner in Chicago – CHA signed onto the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Climate Challenge in 2023, committing to a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and 15 percent energy use reduction over the next 10 years. CHA is the largest public housing authority in the nation to sign onto the Challenge.
To reach its emissions reduction goal, CHA will continue to utilize energy savings and weatherization assistance programs while using data to integrate sustainability into capital planning. CHA is also piloting several building electrification projects and seeking opportunities to increase its renewable energy usage.
“We are committed to transitioning to clean energy,” Eric Garrett, CHA’s Chief Operating Officer, said. “And, while we’re doing it, we will share our carbon reduction progress and strategies with the broader market to help others build on our success.”
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