CHA Board Approves $7.5 Million for 6th Phase of Former Robert Taylor Homes Site Legends South

The Chicago Housing Authority Board of Commissioners authorized $7.5 million in CHA funding for the next rental phase at Legends South. This investment continues CHA’s commitment to redevelop the former Robert Taylor Homes site and the State Street Corridor.
Phase A3 will consist of 52 units in two new buildings - one new construction, four-story building with 40 units and one three-story walk-up building with 12 units. The buildings will offer 19 one-bedroom, 27-two bedroom and six three-bedroom units. Twenty-one of the 52 units are designated for families from CHA’s waitlist.
Legends South Phase A3 is a key part of the redevelopment of the former Robert Taylor site, where a total of 841 units have been completed, including 335 units for families with a right of return to Taylor or from the CHA waitlist. A total of 618 units have been completed at Legends South, including 279 CHA units.
The property will remain affordable through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and support from the City of Chicago. Construction is expected to start in late 2024.
“CHA continues to increase housing choices for low-income families and to build strong, vibrant communities throughout Chicago,”
CHA CEO Tracey Scott said. “These developments make neighborhoods stronger and provide CHA residents with access to education, retail, transportation and jobs. Congratulations to all involved.”
CHA Releases 2023 Impact Report
CHA also released its 2023 Impact Report at the May Board Meeting.
The Impact Report details CHA’s 2023 accomplishments, including those in Development, Preservation and Resident Services and CHA’s
investments in seniors and youth, supportive housing, preventing homelessness and increasing resident economic power.
“It has been quite a year at CHA. Together with our partners, we delivered more than 1,000 new apartments in 2023, with another 1,100 under construction. These housing development projects represent $1.5 billion worth of investment in affordable housing in Chicago. That’s just the beginning. We received 473 new vouchers in 2023, the largest new allotment in many years. And, we launched a new Down Payment Assistance program, helping families achieve generational wealth through homeownership,” said CHA CEO Tracey Scott in her introduction to the Impact Report.
To view the 2023 CHA Impact Report, click here.
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