The HCV Owner Portal provides easy access to essential tools and information that can help streamline property management tasks. Through a free account on the HCV Owner Portal, you can:

  • Update contact information, view your properties, list vacancies, set notification preferences, submit documents, enable two-factor authentication (My Account)
  • View inspection appointments and results, pay re-inspection fee (Inspections)
  • Request and track a rent increase, view/download HAP statements, abatements and 1099s, change direct deposit information (Finance)
  • Upload RTA packets, track moves, calculate affordability for a specific HCV participant family (Moves)
  • Download HCV forms and documents, read current and past issues of Owner News, find links to upcoming events, local government information and public records (Resources)

Ready to take control of your properties? Click here to log in or see below for instructions on how to get started!

Creating an HCV Owner Portal Account

If you are an HCV property owner with at least one vendor number, you are eligible to create an HCV Owner Portal account. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the website at
  2. Click the ‘Sign Up’ button located on the bottom left corner of the screen.
  3. Enter at least one vendor number and the email address associated with that vendor number.
  4. Enable two-factor authentication, allowing another layer of protection.

Tip: You must have an email address on file with CHA to access your account. If you have different vendor numbers with different email addresses, use the one tied to the account you want to access. 

For more helpful tips on managing your account online, review the HCV Owner Portal FAQs.