Big News for CHA in the Federal FY2024 Spending Bill

CHA applauds the Federal FY2024 Spending Bill that was signed by President Biden earlier this month. The bill includes $850,000 for each of two CHA projects located on the South Side: Legends South Phase A3 in Bronzeville, and LeClaire, near Midway Airport.
At Legends South, Phase A3 will add 52 apartments and neighborhood retail space in two new buildings. The new buildings will complement the 841 mixed-income apartments already on the site. The LeClaire site is the future home of a mixed- income, mixed use community, which will deliver approximately 650 apartments, plus a grocery store, federally qualified medical center and early childhood center. It is the largest neighborhood revitalization effort on the Southwest Side.
The Spending Bill also extended HUD’s Moving to Work (MTW) agreements through 2038. As a Moving to Work agency, CHA has flexibility to create innovative local partnerships that expand housing choices and opportunities for the families and individuals it serves.
CHA CEO Tracey Scott praised the move, saying: “This extension provides further stability in CHA’s funding and enhances our attractiveness as an affordable housing partner that can make long-term investments in our communities. And for our residents, it ensures that we can flexibly provide nearly $40 million per year in supports such as Golden Diners free meal programs in senior buildings and summer employment for 2,200 CHA youth.”