North Avenue Apartments (North & Talman Family LP)

Target Audience

Families and Individuals

Community Area

Closest Intersection

Estimated wait time for eligibility screening

  • 0-1 Bedroom
    over 25 years
  • 2 Bedrooms
    over 25 years
  • 3 Bedroom
    over 25 years
  • 4 Bedroom
  • 5 Bedroom
  • 6 Bedroom

Property Description

North Avenue Apartments (North & Talman Family) is part of the Multiple Property group waitlist: Families & Individuals - West. The waitlist includes 6 properties. CHA provides rental to 52 units units through its Project Based Voucher (PBV) program. Applicants may be selected for a housing opportunity at any property in this waitlist group. Not completing the application process for any property without documented good cause may result in removal from the PBV wait list. Applicants can reapply and will be given a new PBV waitlist application date. * North Avenue Apartments is a 33-unit development located in Chicago's West Town community. CHA provides rental assistance to 16 PBV units. Tenants are responsible for all utilities, including gas heat, cooking and electricity. * Note: Building requirements are established by the individual property and not by the CHA.

Unit Type

Bedroom Size Standard Apartments Accessible Apartments Total Number of Apartments
1 5 2 7
2 23 3 26
3 10 2 12
4 1 0 1

Additional Information

Information Title Information Description
Gas Bill Yes, it is the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Electric Bill Yes, it is the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Water Bill Yes, it is the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Elevator Yes, there is an elevator at this property
Application Fee There is application fee
Income Eligibility Maximum income 0-80% of area median income (AMI). Click here to view the AMI income limits by household size.
Drug Screening There is drug screening

Properties in Families & Individuals - West Group

By applying for this property, your name may be sent to any of the properties in this group for eligibility screening.
Boulevard Apartments

Boulevard Apartments

Families & Individuals - West
929-935 N Sacramento Blvd Chicago, IL 60622
Liberty Square Apartments

Liberty Square Apartments

Families & Individuals - West
Multiple Locations (Around S Central Park Blvd & W Harrison St) Chicago, IL 60624
Luxe Properties

Luxe Properties

Families & Individuals - West
2921 W Walnut St & 1113 N Sacramento Ave Chicago, IL 60612 & 60622
North & Talman III Apartments

North & Talman III Apartments

Families & Individuals - West
1605-1619 N Washtenaw Ave Chicago, IL 60647

Helpful Resources

We have provided a collection of helpful resources for you to find important information about this community and its surroundings.