Wentworth Gardens

Target Audience

Families and Individuals

Community Area

Armour Square

Closest Intersection

Dan Ryan Expy & W Pershing Rd

Estimated wait time for eligibility screening

  • 0-1 Bedroom
    over 25 years
  • 2 Bedrooms
    10 - 25 years
  • 3 Bedroom
    5 - 10 years
  • 4 Bedroom
    3 - 5 years
  • 5 Bedroom
  • 6 Bedroom

Property Description

Wentworth Gardens includes 343 units in Chicago's Armour Square community area. Commissioned in 1945, Wentworth Gardens was the last project built to house war-industry workers during the Second World War. Construction of this four-square-block development required the demolition of 20 structures, including the baseball park where the White Sox played until 1910. Today, the Sox's Guaranteed Rate Field is a neighbor of the completely rehabbed Wentworth Gardens.

Unit Type

Bedroom Size Standard Apartments Accessible Apartments Total Number of Apartments
1 8 26 34
2 175 12 187
3 67 7 74
4 35 5 40

Additional Information

Information Title Information Description
Gas Bill No, it is not the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Electric Bill No, it is not the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Water Bill No, it is not the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Elevator No, there is no elevator at this property
Application Fee There is no application fee
Income Eligibility Maximum income 0-80% of area median income (AMI). Click here to view the AMI income limits by household size.
Work Requirement 20 hrs per week
Drug Screening There is no drug screening

Helpful Resources

We have provided a collection of helpful resources for you to find important information about this community and its surroundings.