Rowan Trees Apartments (Thresholds RAD)

Target Audience

Supportive Homeless with a Disability

Community Area


Closest Intersection

S Stewart Ave & W 63rd St

Estimated wait time for eligibility screening

  • 0-1 Bedroom
    5 - 10 years
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bedroom
  • 4 Bedroom
  • 5 Bedroom
  • 6 Bedroom

Property Description

Rowan Trees Apartments (Thresholds RAD) is a 45-unit property located in Chicago's Englewood community. CHA provides rental assistance to 45 units through its Project Based Voucher (PBV) program. Rowan Trees Apartments provides supportive housing to individuals with a diagnosed mental illness disability. * Preference is given to Applicants that agree to share information with other homeless agencies and must be current with the Chicago Coordinated Entry System. For more information: Homeless preference is reviewed monthly. * Documentation of a diagnosed disability is required. * All units are furnished Studios. * Single-Person households with annual income below $39,250 (2024 HUD income adjusted annually) are eligible. * Smoke-free building. * On-site supportive services available Note: Building requirements are established by the individual property and not by the CHA.

Unit Type

Bedroom Size Standard Apartments Accessible Apartments Total Number of Apartments
Studio 39 0 39
1 1 5 6

Additional Information

Information Title Information Description
Gas Bill No, it is not the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Electric Bill No, it is not the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Water Bill No, it is not the resident's responsibility to pay for this utility
Elevator Yes, there is an elevator at this property
Application Fee There is application fee
Income Eligibility Click here to view the AMI income limits by household size.
Work Requirement N/A
Drug Screening There is no drug screening

Helpful Resources

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