Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program participants with disabilities, including the head of household and any other qualified individuals residing in the household, may qualify for a reasonable accommodation.

What is a Reasonable Accommodation?

A reasonable accommodation is a change CHA can make to help people with disabilities use its programs. This can include changes to rules or services. Examples are:

  • Allowing applications and Re-Examinations by mail.
  • Providing large print documents or sign language interpreters.
  • Approving a Live-In Aide.
  • Giving more time to get documents or complete Re-Examinations.
  • Using higher Payment Standards for suitable housing.
  • Giving more time to find a housing unit if accessible ones are hard to find.

To request an accommodation, download the CHA’s Request for Reasonable Accommodation Form or contact the CHA Customer Call Center at hcv@thecha.org or 312-935-2600 (TTY: 312-461-0079). 

After you submit a request, CHA will review it and decide within 30 days. If more information is needed, it may take longer. Approved requests need to be recertified at each regular Re-Examination. CHA will consider all requests but may not approve every one. Requests must be related to the disability and not cause CHA to break any rules or be too expensive.

For additional information, contact the Fair Housing Department at 312-913-7062 or fairhousing@thecha.org.

Need to file a grievance?

Chicago Housing Authority establishes a grievance procedure providing for a prompt and evenhanded resolution to reasonable accommodation grievances.