State Street NOW is a community-driven planning and design effort to accelerate new mixed-income housing and economic development along the State Street corridor, from Cermak Road to Garfield Boulevard. State Street NOW builds on existing CHA development initiatives and previous planning efforts to update and further the community’s vision for the neighborhood, and respond to current affordable housing needs in the area and across Chicago.
This plan will guide what gets built and how investments are made in the area. State Street NOW is all about making sure your voice is heard! We want to hear from everyone in and around the area to create a plan that truly reflects what community members want and need. For a map of the focus area, please see the link below in the “Background and Additional Resources” section.
This initiative will:
- Build on past studies and planning processes to provide an updated, community-driven, actionable framework for housing and community development in the area.
- Respond to the current and future affordable housing needs of the area and Chicago.
- Embrace all voices in the area and co-create a shared vision for the State Street corridor’s future.
To share your ideas and to sign-up for updates, please email
Background and Additional Resources
Please see below. For the We Will Chicago plan, please click here.
2013 Bronzeville Retail District Land Use Plan - Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning